Introduction to HTML 5
8:13 AM
This is a brief introduction about HTML5. HTML is the language of the web. And the term HTML is for Hyper Text Markup Language. This is like the language that can understand by web browsers.
Browsers such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari any many others, download and display html documents. Html document is just a document like Microsoft Word document. But browsers know how to display html documents.
A word document can create using MS Word or LibreOffice writer or any other word processing software but an html document can not create using a web browser. To do that we need a special software called editor (html editor of text editor). One of the simplest editor is note pad but if you need you can find complex editors like Eclipse or MS Visual Studio there are many more softwares also out there.
Understanding HTML
HTML documents can be stored anywhere. But typically, they are stored in a web server. Because of storing html documents in a web server, people can view those html documents using there own web browsers.
A web server is a computer that runs special software that know how to send web pages to multiple people at the same time. So in order to create a html document there are certain structure to follow. If a html document created following this structure browsers can read it.
Document Types
Web browsers can display several types of documents. First we need to tell the browser what type of document is this. To do that, we need to declare the type of document with a special line of html at the top of the document.
Web browsers can read HTML, XML, XHTML, SVG and others. Each of them lives differently and set up differently. The document type tell the browser what rules to follow when displaying the document.
In technical terms it's called document type declaration. Or DTD short. The document type of html5 is
<!doctype html>
And this should be the 1st line of every html document. Html documents are made up of letters and documents in angle brackets.
< >
Main element in an html document is <html>. Typically, html elements have both opening and closing tags. And elements are closed with a fron slash.
A basic web page
here is a basic web page, html document
<!doctype html>
<title>My First Webpage<title>
<div>Hello world!</div>
If you save this document as a web document and view this in a web browser, you 'll see a page that has a title of My First WebPage and content of Hello world! In the page.
these are the opening and closing root elements. Root elements wrap around the etire document, and it is the first thing after doctype declaration.
The head section is the part that containing informations about the webpage and the styling also goes inside head section. The head section starts and closed with this. this head section is behind the scene in a web page.
inside the head section there is the opening tag of the title and closing tag like this,
what goes inside this will me the title of the web page.
next comes the body section inside the opening and closing body tags
All the content of the web page goes inside these to tags.
This is what we see in the web browser if we create above html document
So this is a basic instruction on html and in future we'll see about more about html.
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